Secure mail

All statistics and studies reflect that email is still the main attack vector and the main gateway for any cybercriminal to a company. Only email categorised as SPAM represents 85% of all email globally.

At the same time, the sophistication of the attacks carried out and the tools or gateways based on signature, reputation or intelligence, are insufficient to protect the employees of an organisation. Phishing attacks, social engineering or BEC attacks, seek to collect information from the recipient of the email to orchestrate an attack based on that information.

At Evolutio we guarantee the security of your communications through email both against Malware and phishing, as well as against information leaks from the entire outgoing mail flow of your company, through our service managed in 24×7 mode, which ranges from implementation initial to its full administration.

Secure browsing

The access and consumption of SaaS applications, such as Office 365, Google Suite or Salesforce, and the introduction of solutions and network architectures based on SD-WAN, have caused the attack surface to which employees and applications are exposed, systems and devices is growing.

In this context, the use of cloud technologies that provide the flexibility to grow and decrease business traffic is essential, not only for web traffic, but for any type of traffic through any port and protocol. Companies also demand solutions that provide visibility, granular control of the information in use and protection against malware, since Shadow IT or traffic to non-corporate applications is increasing.

At Evolutio we help you decide the best architecture and design strategy to reroute internet traffic to the cloud, as well as the best way to validate and authenticate users based on the tools available to the client. Also from the management to the administration of the service, putting at your disposal the compromise indicators that allow you to minimise the level of exposure to risk, based on the threat landscape that affects at all times.


Secure mail

  • Multilayer.
  • Effective antispam protection.
  • Service level agreements that guarantee availability.
  • Evolutio intelligence to block emerging attacks.
  • Specific on-demand phishing and malware analysis tools.

Secure browsing

  • Cloud solution and scalable.
  • Architecture and design adapted to the communications network of our clients.
  • Evolutio Cyber ​​Intelligence.
  • Experience in the most powerful and consolidated technologies on the market.