Evolutio implements a cloud calling and videoconferencing service at the Tax Agency to reinforce taxpayer assistance and internal collaboration

  • In response to the confinement, the AEAT reinforces the We Call You Plan, complementary to face-to-face meetings, through which more than 2,000,000 calls of 9 minutes of average duration have already been managed.
  • 4,500 operators and 550 AEAT coordinators throughout Spain are benefiting from connectivity and collaboration functionalities that allow them to provide secure and reliable telephone advice to taxpayers.
  • Evolutio has deployed Genesys Cloud and Zoom solutions, enabling agile and secure videoconferencing environments both for AEAT officials and to pay attention to certain taxpayer procedures.

The State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT) has entrusted Evolutio, an expert company in the integration of cloud services, with the implementation of a cloud call service to reinforce telephone assistance to the taxpayer within the framework of the We Call You Plan during the current Income Campaign, and a videoconferencing solution to facilitate internal collaboration and attention to certain taxpayer procedures.

In this way, the AEAT guarantees the service of attention to the citizen, ensuring the necessary conditions of protection and respecting the confinement measures derived from the health emergency caused by COVID-19, complementing the face-to-face assistance service. Through this implementation, more than 2,000,000 telephone calls of approximately 9 minutes of average duration have already been handled.
The We Call You Plan allows taxpayers who need assistance to file their return to have remote assistance via telephone. In addition, approximately 4,500 operators and 550 coordinators (as well as general and IT support staff) of the AEAT are using a solution deployed by Evolutio during the current campaign to work with each other, through a collaboration and video call tool, easy to use and install. Streamlining the attention to the citizen.

In this way, the AEAT reinforces the existing taxpayer assistance service, improving the quality of relations with citizens through cloud-based solutions that effectively simplify the process. Evolutio has deployed a solution that combines the latest technology, including the industry-leading cloud contact center solutionGenesys Cloud, a global leader in cloud customer experience and contact center solutions, and Zoom. These technologies guarantee a quality audio and video experience, even in low bandwidth environments, allowing for example the use of Zoom both internally and to allow taxpayers to carry out certain procedures.

Communications between Genesys Cloud and the Tax Agency have been carried out through a private connection between Evolutio, Amazon Web Services and the AEAT. This solution demonstrates the innovative nature of Evolutio as it is a type of integration never seen before.

The deployment was completed in just 3 weeks, allowing any taxpayer to access the telephone assistance service to be attended by an AEAT agent.

In the words of Jacinto Cavestany, CEO of Evolutio, “we are proud to be able to help the AEAT in digitising its relationships with the taxpayer. We are convinced that the solution deployed facilitates the presentation of the declarations, in a secure way, guaranteeing the privacy of the citizen and reinforcing the ties with him. Thanks to technology and advances in cloud environments, it is now possible to implement solutions that allow us to adapt to the challenges presented by the current pandemic and to the challenges of the digitisation of Public Administration, preserving at all times the integrity of the data of the citizens and contributing to the optimisation and improvement of public procedures and processes ”.

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