Evolutio, spin off of BT, the new great integrator of telecommunications and cloud services

The communications market in Spain has a new player after the launch of Evolutio, a spin-off of BT. The new brand, the result of the agreement reached by BT Group for the sale of its business in the Spanish market to the investment group Portobello Capital, inherits the professional and management team from BT Spain, as well as a very important part of its business. Evolutio will manage the assets corresponding to the telecommunications, cloud computing, cybersecurity and information technology services of Spanish clients, both with international and domestic reach, which represents more than 85% of the client portfolio of the company in the country.

The company aims to be the strategic partner in the integration of cloud services for the main global companies in the Spanish market, hand in hand with renowned partners such as Akamai, Avaya, Amazon Web Services, BMC Software, Cisco, Dell Technologies, Enghouse Systems, Fortinet, Genesys, Google Cloud, HPE, McAfee, Microsoft, NetApp, Oracle, Palo Alto Networks, Salesforce or Zoom. Evolutio will offer solutions focused on the Spanish market, both for multinational and local companies, maintaining all the network infrastructure and data centers managed until now by BT, with the aim of providing services tailored to the needs of customers in Spain, in a more agile way , adapted and flexible.

Regarding Evolutio’s business lines, the company will offer its clients a portfolio of services 100% adapted to their needs, in constant technological evolution, and with the best guarantees of service and user experience in the areas of connectivity and networks. dynamics, cloud, contact center and user experience, digital workplace, cybersecurity, application modernization, artificial intelligence and big data.

Professional and management team from BT Spain
Evolutio will have a staff of almost 1,000 professionals, almost all of them from BT’s previous professional team in our country, and with extensive experience in the implementation of complex projects in which innovation is a differential factor.

In fact, at the management level, the new company will be managed by BT’s management team in Spain so far, guaranteeing continuity at the forefront of leaders with a recognized track record in the telecommunications sector. Thus, Jacinto Cavestany will play the role of CEO of Evolutio, a position that until now he held at BT Spain. In Cavestany’s words, “the needs of our clients evolve and, with them, we also. We want to continue driving digital innovation for our clients and maximize the value of their businesses, connecting, managing and protecting their data and applications, thanks to all our experience as a Cloud services integrator. We hope and trust that this leap forward will help them gain agility, flexibility and the capacity for innovation and disruption. ”

For his part, Luis Peñarrocha, partner of Portobello Capital stresses that, “we are very proud to support a business project that was born with a clear vocation for growth and improvement that will allow it to become a leading company in the development of connectivity, cloud and cybersecurity, and a benchmark in the global telecommunications services sector ”.

Agile methodologies with the reach and experience of a global leader
The change occurs coinciding with the evolution of the challenges faced by its clients, among which the need to offer a better digital experience to its users, optimize operational efficiency and the development of new business models, all of which stand out , complying with the regulations and guaranteeing the cybersecurity of its assets in the midst of the digital economy.

The launch also implies an internal evolution towards a new culture and corporate identity. In this sense, Evolutio will maintain all of its own attributes acquired as a multinational corporation during the previous stage, such as experience, team qualification, customer orientation, state-of-the-art technological solutions and market knowledge; to which it will add an identity and differential vocation with the development of new methodologies and workflows that it will incorporate in its day-to-day with clients and that will provide the new entity with greater flexibility, agility and capacity for innovation and customization.

Everything, with the aim of offering services more adapted to the needs of the clients, applying agile methodologies, but without sacrificing the experience and assets developed throughout its trajectory of more than 30 years in the country, and with the ambition to configure as the strategic partner in the integration of cloud services for its clients and the benchmark in the Spanish market with global reach.