We reached a strategic agreement with Vonage to deploy its contact center solutions in Spain

We have reached a strategic agreement with Vonage, a global leader in cloud communications technology, to deploy its Vonage Contact Center solutions in Spain. In this way, the agreement reinforces our leading position in the market as an independent provider of contact center services in the cloud..

The partnership will allow us to market, implement and deploy contact center solutions that meet the current needs of organisations of all sizes to ensure business continuity and allow agents to work seamlessly from anywhere: in an office, at home. or even in mobility.

«We are pleased to announce this agreement with Vonage», points out Jacinto Cavestany, CEO of Evolutio«Adding the renowned Vonage Contact Center to our extensive portfolio will help our customers accelerate their digital transformation, offering them great flexibility and ensuring business continuity. We are confident that our knowledge, reach and assets are the perfect combination to make it possible.».

The agreement will allow us to continue to sell, implement and provide services to all our current and future customers, putting the Vonage Contact Center platform, deeply integrated with Salesforce CRM and ServiceNow CSM solutions, at your fingertips. This provides companies with the ability to innovate in the way they interact with their customers in real time, anywhere in the world, through their preferred channels.

“It is critical for organisations of all sizes to ensure business continuity, seamlessly enable remote service delivery, and provide a differentiated customer experience,” said Rodolpho Cardenuto, president of Vonage Applications Group. “The ability to enable this type of connectivity and innovation is the foundation of the value we bring to Vonage and we are pleased to be able to work together with Evolutio to offer our Contact Center solutions to companies throughout Spain, facilitating the creation of personalised communication experiences, integrated, direct and intuitive that today’s customers expect.

Vonage Contact Center integrates all communication channels without the cost of disruptive hardware change and connects directly to any company’s CRM platform, allowing agents to benefit from immediate access to the caller’s interaction history , to minimise waiting times and improve your experience. As a flexible and scalable cloud solution, agents can log into the Vonage Contact Center wherever they are, effectively driving the organisation’s response to any increase in demand, while Vonage’s real-time dashboards provide a wealth of real-time and historical data.