Take advantage of the benefits and flexibility of Amazon Connect to deploy a Contact Center in minutes

Evolutio is a recognized leader in the Customer Experience business, providing solutions and services, including end-to-end consultancy, integration & transformation and managed services for Amazon Connect. Evolutio’s experts can design both cloud and hybrid contact center solutions for your business, using Amazon Connect to accelerate the access to the innovation and take advantage of the multichannel, artificial intelligence and analytics capabilities available. Can also support your company integrating any of your strategic partners to avoid losing any on-premise investment while leveraging your business to take advantage of the new cloud features provided by Amazon Connect.

Traditionally deploying a contact center has been an arduous and complex task for both IT and business departments. Everything was a challenge when it came to putting it into action. Long projects with complex infrastructures, with complicated integrations meant that projects would take months to complete and above all obtain tangible results for the business.

Amazon Connect comes to start a new era and break with the old paradigms in a world that increasingly demands the consumerization and immediacy of services.

The product is simple to use. It is set up in minutes and all operation is based on a pay-as-you-go model with a transparent cost structure.

Amazon Connect goes far beyond a phone or IVR functionality. It has advanced natural language capabilities, transcription of oral conversations (speech to text) and chatbots.

In addition, through Evolutio, a fully managed service is obtained, as well as a continuous accompaniment in a way that ensures the success of the project. Any need that arises in the project is covered by the experience of more than 20 years in the deployment of state-of-the-art solutions through our professional team.

What are the main functionalities and benefits of Amazon Connect?

All opportunities, all services through a multifunctional solution, adaptable to the most varied demands of customers. Among its functions are:

  • Easy creation of contact flow with customers thanks to Contact Flow Engine.  Which directly integrates the customer’s history with complementary basic information and other functions, such as AWS Lambda, to access any stored business information.
  • Competency-based call routing, considering the availability of agents in service and automating the workflow. The objective is the resolution of incidents or queries in the shortest possible time.

  • Create experiences based on natural chatbots, with very high-quality audio, taking advantage of the use of AI, through Amazon Lex. These automated, personalized interactions improve response time and quality of service. In addition, by using automatic speech recognition (ASR) and natural language understanding (NLU), it facilitates speech-to-text transcription, real-time translations between languages, and call recording.
  • Connect has an outgoing contacts API that makes it easy to schedule outbound calls for payment reminders, event notifications, or generate calls from other applications using preset contact flows.
  • It includes integration with various systems associated with the production process of the companies, communication with the client, accounting, etc.

Get a unique service experience for your customers


  • Professional resources specialized in systems integration, consulting and services.
  • End-to-end service management in more than 65,000 agents in Spain.
  • Agreements and certifications with main market manufacturers.

Case studies